Friday, August 14, 2009

July Team Trip

As July marked the end of the third 2009 training session in Nairobi, Providence Director Paul Njuguna sent the following letter regarding the RUMC team visit in July:

Once again I want to take this opportunity to thank you for all the support you have given us both materially and in prayers. It is always a joy to see the pastors leave for home with a new zeal to serve the Lord after being in school for a session. We saw the Spirit of God move in a new way as the class of pastors began to share their life experiences. Every testimony became a confirmation of God's will in our pursuing the vision of Providence Training Center. Let's keep on looking upon the Lord as He takes us into areas we've not been to before.

The interaction with the RUMC team was very rewarding for the pastors. Both the Micro-Enterprise training and the Children's Workshop were very appropriate for our student pastors. As I sat in these classes I kept on thinking how far we can go in equipping pastors. In business training I look forward to an in-depth training that would end with the pastors being empowered to break free from poverty that is such a huge hindrance to the furtherance of the gospel. All in all, the session by Julia and Kelly (pictured above) was an eye-opener to the pastors especially in the area of the right (biblical) attitude on financial matters.

From Paula and Sue, the pastors went back home with a new perspective on children's ministry. Most pastors confessed to never having been previously involved in what the Sunday school teachers in their churches teach the children. There was much that the pastors picked from both Sue and Paula. Please once again pass on our appreciation to the whole team especially for squeezing us into their tight schedule.